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Hey what's up?

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  • Hey what's up?

    What's up everyone, my name is Matthew. I'm new to the forum and just wanted to say hi.. I hope I posted this in the right section.

  • #2
    Envoyé par MatthewHeckler Voir le message
    What's up everyone, my name is Matthew. I'm new to the forum and just wanted to say hi.. I hope I posted this in the right section.
    Welcome to the club! I hope you are, like us, a proud volvo owner! i'm inviting you to post some pictures in the ''voiture des membres'' section and you can start a thread in the ''Nouveau Membre'' section to tell us what volvo do you drive and from where you are from!
    850 T5-R Cream Yellow (Garage Princess): 2006 RN Swapped, 3'' turbo-back exhaust custom made by Rawtek Inc,EST SRI, EST CF Strut brace,Standard Suspension coil-overs,Standard front BBK,R rear BBK,AEM uego Wideband,Autometer Boost gauge,MSD Ignition Coil,Polyurethane Upper Engine Stabilizer Mount, Polyurethane Transmission Mount,HKS SSQVIII blow off valve,Snabb FMIC,IPD poly subframe inserts,Ipd Sway-bars
    S40 2.4i 2005(Gf's Ride): H&R springs
    S80 T6 2000: don't know what to do with this boat!


    • #3
      Bienvenue parmi les amateurs de Volvo du Québec! Tel que proposé par Marco, présente-nous ta Volvo dans la section appropriée.
      V60 Cross Country 2018 + Polestar

      S70 2000
      V70R 2006
      S60 2.5T 2006
      S40 1.9T 2001
      V70 5T AWD 2005

      855 T5 1997


      • #4
        Hey bien ! parlant du yable ! hiihhihiihhihi ;-)

        Bonjour et bienvenue Matthew :-)


        • #5
          Bienvenue à toi ! On attend tes photos !


          • #6
            Welcome. Location US?
            XC90 2.5T

