Hi gang how are you? hope all is well and that your cars will be running well in this new year 
Well i had some time tonight and decided to do a spark plug change as my saab has 100 000km on it and didn't know if it had been done before.
This job was quite easy to do (took about 50 min total) and found it to be much easier then on the volvo (no disrespect).
i decided to take a few pics to see the different layout.
pic of engine...remove plate
plate removed
basically, you have to lift this plastic latch (ribbed plastic) and then pull out the connector...unlike volvo that has the small plastic tab
connector slides out...
pics of plugs..nice and black!
I have to say, after an oil change and spark plug change, the saab doesn't seem that bad to work on...
take care..

Well i had some time tonight and decided to do a spark plug change as my saab has 100 000km on it and didn't know if it had been done before.
This job was quite easy to do (took about 50 min total) and found it to be much easier then on the volvo (no disrespect).
i decided to take a few pics to see the different layout.
pic of engine...remove plate
plate removed
basically, you have to lift this plastic latch (ribbed plastic) and then pull out the connector...unlike volvo that has the small plastic tab
connector slides out...
pics of plugs..nice and black!
I have to say, after an oil change and spark plug change, the saab doesn't seem that bad to work on...
take care..