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Any AUDI lovers out there??

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  • Any AUDI lovers out there??

    Hi everyone, just wanted to know if there are any audi lovers out there? My brother might be getting a nice, used '04 audi wagone, s4, v8 4.2L. Was there for the test drive and man did it move! just wanted to get oyur opinions on audi's in general...if you've ever had one or would buy one. we had a newer VW passat wagon with the 2.0T engine and it really moved, and i think that with the AWD systems they have, audi seems to have stepped up their game!

  • #2
    An S4 is a hell of a car, i dont know about the price of the reparation, but i wouldn say no
    6 Volvos dont 3 R... pas pire!!!
    2004 S40 1.9T automatique
    1996 855 R 5 vitesses - vendu
    1991 745 automatique - vendu
    2004 V70 R GearTronic - vendu a Thierry V70R
    1997 854 R automatique - vendu ( RIP pas par moi ! )
    1994 855 T5 automatique - vendu


    • #3
      La S4 de cette génération est la pire en terme d'entretien, c'est un money pitt assuré qui conduit à une perte certaine en moins d'être avocat-fiscaliste ou médecin et d'en avoir rien à faire... Dès que tu as à faire quelque chose, genre une crémaillère, tu dois enlever le moteur... Genre que la pompe à power stering est mue par la tranny ou encore l'alternateur qui marche avec le prestone... Bref un méchant cauchemart une job de 1hre sur une Volvo t'en prend 4 hres sur celle la si tu es chanceux à part peut-être mettre les pneus d'hiver...
      '98 C70 coupe B5234T3 / M56H


      • #4
        Demande à Le Farfadais, il vient tout juste de s'en départir après quelques semaines seulement...
        V60 Cross Country 2018 + Polestar

        S70 2000
        V70R 2006
        S60 2.5T 2006
        S40 1.9T 2001
        V70 5T AWD 2005

        855 T5 1997


        • #5
          wow..are they really that bad? the reviews i've been reading are quite positive, especially with the v8 engine...strange..


          • #6
            I like the car, but I have a feeling that it's very expensive to repair...

            That V8 is a really tight fit in the engine bay...
            15% de rabais sur les pièces d'origine chez Volvo Pointe-Claire pour les membres CVQ VIP.
            Visitez notre site:

            2012 C70 T5 Electric Silver - Polestar Tune, VIVA Performance exhaust, JR filter, GoVo Engineering ECU spacer, 19"x8.5" Polestar Rep wheels, H&R spacers, Heico spoiler lips

            2005 V50 T5M AWD Rouge - Vendu
            1998 S70 T5M Noir - 239whp/317wtq (Previous setup) - Liste des modifications - RIP


            • #7
              Pas grand place!
              Fichiers attachés
              6 Volvos dont 3 R... pas pire!!!
              2004 S40 1.9T automatique
              1996 855 R 5 vitesses - vendu
              1991 745 automatique - vendu
              2004 V70 R GearTronic - vendu a Thierry V70R
              1997 854 R automatique - vendu ( RIP pas par moi ! )
              1994 855 T5 automatique - vendu


              • #8
                Stay Away!

                I sold my 2-T5 SE's to buy a 2002 A4 Avant. Likely to go down as one of my largest regrets! Money Pit oh yeah. Timing Belt change @ $1,200. including water pump. I seriously believe that you can double all typical repairs compared to Volvo. I have a code for both cats @ $1,200 EACH. CV rebuild on 1-side of the front right transaxle @ $175.00. The first quote i got was $350.00. Turns out Audi had a service bulletin to flash the ECU which will fix the "false" sensor readings for the CATS but i have yet to call them. I have put the car up for sale after only 2-months. NEVER AGAIN.


                • #9
                  ya i know the engine bay is a little tight, mind you, i think when you start taking off a few pannels here and there it's a bit better, but yes it's alittle snug. it was that bad? i don't know..we had our wifes 2007 VWpassat for about 3 years and was pretty much trouble free. I know that the v8 has a timing chain which is a good thing..the rest i don'tknow...


                  • #10
                    I had mine for 3 months.
                    I hade a check engine for the gas vapor recirculation...
                    Came 1 time, erased the code, came back one time, and never came back after.
                    Mine had a unitronic remap. The car was very powerful at 2500 rpm upto 4000, lots of torque.
                    It had been the best looking car I ever had, but I prefered my S60 t5m.

                    The previous owner had 5000$ in bills over the last 2 years. It's more expensive than a volvo to maintain for sure, no doubt about that.

                    By the way, I made an offer on a c70 t5m 1998 this afternoon
                    Mustang GT 5.0 2012 --- Sunfire 2005 --- Aprilia Shiver 750 2010
                    S60 T5M 2005
                    Dakota r/t 2000 --- Yamaha FZ1 2011
                    audi a4 2.0t 2006
                    mazdaspeed6 2006-- Honda CB919 2002
                    S60 T5M 2002
                    S60 2004
                    explorer sport 2001
                    pt cruiser 2001
                    accent 1995
                    neon 1997
                    newyorker 1992


                    • #11
                      Envoyé par le farfadais Voir le message
                      I had mine for 3 months.
                      I hade a check engine for the gas vapor recirculation...
                      Came 1 time, erased the code, came back one time, and never came back after.
                      Mine had a unitronic remap. The car was very powerful at 2500 rpm upto 4000, lots of torque.
                      It had been the best looking car I ever had, but I prefered my S60 t5m.

                      The previous owner had 5000$ in bills over the last 2 years. It's more expensive than a volvo to maintain for sure, no doubt about that.

                      By the way, I made an offer on a c70 t5m 1998 this afternoon
                      La saffran à Laval?
                      '98 C70 coupe B5234T3 / M56H


                      • #12
                        wow..i didn't think it would be that my other question then:
                        in terms of the AWD system between the VW 4motion and the audi AWD..are they exactly the same system? if not, which one is better?


                        • #13
                          oh ya..congrats on the new car!!!!


                          • #14
                            Envoyé par chef Voir le message
                            in terms of the AWD system between the VW 4motion and the audi AWD..are they exactly the same system? if not, which one is better?
                            2 façons de voir la question:
                            - Lequel des 2 est le meilleur?
                            - Lequel répondra à tes besoins?

                            Bien des gens se promènent en 4x4 de nos jours (pratiquement toutes les marques offrent le AWD) et ils n'ont pas tous "le meilleur système au monde"... pourtant ça accomplit la tâche en fonction de leurs besoins et la majorité est satisfaite de leur 4x4.

                            Le pire des AWD ne sera jamais pire qu'un FWD... (sauf s'il est fragile et coûteux)
                            V60 Cross Country 2018 + Polestar

                            S70 2000
                            V70R 2006
                            S60 2.5T 2006
                            S40 1.9T 2001
                            V70 5T AWD 2005

                            855 T5 1997


                            • #15
                              C'est simple,

                              Les moteurs transversales VW et Audi (A3) utilise le HALDEX même que Volvo

                              Les moteurs longitudinal utilisent le TORSEN (même que Subaru)

                              Le torsen est plus permorfant car il est conçu pour cela. Les marque qui veulent l'utiliser, doivent faire avec un moteur longitudinal.

                              Le Haldex, est conçu en premier pour les petits espaces et les moteurs transversal. SO, la performance occupe la deuxième place dans les priorités

                              Comme l'a si bien souligné Wezo00, dépend de l'utilsiation que tu en fais

