je voudrai dropper mon 740 1985 mais je ne trouve aucune mrque de coil spring pour le faire. quelqun connai un bonne marque a pas trop cher? (drop entre 1.8 et 2 pouce)
Taken from the internet : "You go to a “Volvo get together” and the cars are almost all beat rust buckets driven by stereotypical socially inept early 20-year-olds with a few even weirder older guys."
j'ai trouver aussi un autre site qui en ont
et les apex sont encore dispo en europe sur les site UK et suedois de ebay
Taken from the internet : "You go to a “Volvo get together” and the cars are almost all beat rust buckets driven by stereotypical socially inept early 20-year-olds with a few even weirder older guys."