Envoyé par wezo00
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Ca va regler seulement le cas #2 que j'ai mentionné plus haut:
#2 the CEM senses how much current the bulbs are drawing, and if it falls below certain amperage the "low beam failure" appears. This could be solved simply by wiring a resistor in parallel to increase the load assuming you disconnected PWM.
My HID ballast are spec.'ed at 3.5 amps or about 45 watts. So i wired a 16 ohm resistor to bring up the wattage past 55 watts(no more bulb failure).
My HID ballast are spec.'ed at 3.5 amps or about 45 watts. So i wired a 16 ohm resistor to bring up the wattage past 55 watts(no more bulb failure).