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Reset code de service - XC70 P3

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  • Reset code de service - XC70 P3

    J'ai un message du genre "time for regular service" ou quelque chose du genre au démarrage. Je viens tout juste d'aller faire mon changement d'huile mais le gars du garage n'a pas fait un reset sur le message.

    Quelqu'un sait comment le faire sur un XC70 P3?

  • #2
    reset procedure

    2008 XC70 maintenance message reset

    1. Make sure to start with the T1 or T2 trip mileage showing.
    2. With your foot OFF the brake and the electronic key inserted into its slot, press and release the ignition (start/stop) button. The car will not start, but the displays will be activated.
    3. Press and hold the trip reset button.
    4. With your foot OFF the brake, while holding the reset button down, press and hold the ignition button until the yellow "i" in the yellow square at the bottom center of the instrument display begins to flash, release both buttons.
    5. With your foot ON the brake, start the engine and after a few moments, turn it off. If you got it right, the “time for maintenance” message should not reappear when the motor stops


    • #3
      Will try it today. Thanks!

