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xc90 t6 05 ''thirsty''

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  • xc90 t6 05 ''thirsty''

    Il y a quelque temps déjà que je remarque qu'il boit plus surtout en ville, j'ai bu 14.6L/100 Québec a Edmonton et il a venté asser intensement pendant 15 heures,pourtant je fait rienque 150 kilos pour 40litres (6 jours,25km par jour), le filtre a gaz a été ya 30000 kilomètre, filtre a air je vien de le changer et sa n'a pas sembler changer grand chose, je vais changer les bougies cette semaine, mon char sentait le gaz ce soir après une petite balade ce que je n'avais pas remarqué jusqu’à présent je vais regarder s'il y a une fuite demain... sinon si quelqu'un a deja eu un probleme similaire ou peu avoir des idées sur ce qui peu causer le trouble votre aide sera grandement apprécié, merci

    le vent est vraiment pas l'ami du xc90 :'(

    dans les plaine si il ne vente pas je fait 11L/100 a 100km/h instantané

    si vente et quand y vente.. y vente en ta**, je fait 18L/100 a 100km/h instantané...

    une chance que le supreme 92 octane est a 99 cent le litre ici.. quand je l'ai eu ya 4 ans elle fesais 650 kilo a 100km/h l'été
    maintenant j'en fait 550 max...
    Dernière modification par Desro, 18 mars 2015, 23h28.

  • #2
    Ouch!!!! 150 kilos pour 40litres = 26.6 L/100 ou 9 miles au gallon. Mais faut faire attention ou oublie parfois que l'hiver , la consommation d'essence monte en fleche , surtout cet hiver avec le temps tres froid que nous avons connu et de facon prolongé.


    • #3
      Ces fou hein.. mais ses strictement dans ville, si je fais 100% route je fais 450km l'hiver, jusqua 600 l'été..., je me demande vraiment ce qui le rend assoifé comme sa...j'ai peur que ce soit a cause que j'ai la botte pesante sans m'en rendre compte... ya un feux de signalisation au 200 pied ici..

      En fait je vais voir si je fais toujours 550-600 km l'été.. ce qui m'etonnerais.... qu'est ce qui peu rendre mon xc aussi glouton...
      Dernière modification par Desro, 20 mars 2015, 16h30.


      • #4
        on my xc 90 2006 my best mileage was a trip to London ,ont. for a Volvo car show. driving at 120 wiyh air on I got 9.5/l per klm.

        its a v 8 6 speed reving 2000 rpm or less.
        I know the othere take gas....2.5 on a trip only got 11.

        will be going to my dads a fgew days next week and could do 800klms so I will try to check the klms.

        in summer I acan get more than 700 on highway,city is hard as we have 4 drivers.


        • #5
          Envoyé par smokingslash Voir le message
          on my xc 90 2006 my best mileage was a trip to London ,ont. for a Volvo car show. driving at 120 wiyh air on I got 9.5/l per klm.

          its a v 8 6 speed reving 2000 rpm or less.
          I know the othere take gas....2.5 on a trip only got 11.

          will be going to my dads a fgew days next week and could do 800klms so I will try to check the klms.

          in summer I acan get more than 700 on highway,city is hard as we have 4 drivers.

          yea freaking t6 is 4 speed gm transmission, 120km/h is about 2300 rpm i believe, it used to be much better tho, ill have to get the injectors checked.. i should've bought a v8.. more power less fuel consumption... no turbo's to worry about, definitely my next purchase, yet i am very satisfied with my vehicule, sometimes i wonder if its still worth the thousands i put in it
          another year and im changing.. either a xc60 2.5t or a xc90 v8 2012-2013

          i was at 12.6 with winter tire for a few trip which i thought was pretty good, with summer tires i can do 600 km before the fuel light appear.. i dont get why do i get 25L/100 in town.. im not beating the shit out of the car..i take good care of it lol
          Dernière modification par Desro, 20 mars 2015, 13h46.


          • #6
            if you are going to change it go for the xc 60 or 70...two of us here have v 8s and one sold it after less then a year.
            in two years I have put more than 10 000 in to it,i was luckily I had a extended warranty.

            I love the suv for the power,fuel is only bad in the city as I have two teenagers(2 boys in 20s) driving it.


            • #7
              Envoyé par smokingslash Voir le message
              if you are going to change it go for the xc 60 or 70...two of us here have v 8s and one sold it after less then a year.
              in two years I have put more than 10 000 in to it,i was luckily I had a extended warranty.

              I love the suv for the power,fuel is only bad in the city as I have two teenagers(2 boys in 20s) driving it.
              hehe, 7 apr is when i bought the car, 5 years really soon, first year warranty.. but no problem at all with the car, i guess im lucky, ive put 8000 on it in 4 years

              couldve been worst, next one i need atleast 3 years warranty left on it, and low milleage

              xc60 is very interesting to me, i dont plan on having 5 kids haha, 3 will be plently enough, but the xc90 looks mean, its what got me at first

