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Comment remplacer le démarreur

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  • Comment remplacer le démarreur

    Replacing the starter on a 2001 Volvo S60 T5 is an easy DIY that takes about 1 hour to complete. It also helps if you have small hands to maneuver in tight quarters.

    Parts & Tools You’ll Need:

    Ready To Replace Your Starter?

    Start by heading to the trunk to disconnect the battery. Lift up the spare tire cover and locate the battery compartment on the left. Remove the 2 nuts and bolt with a 13mm socket and take off the bracket securing the battery:

    Lift off the battery cover and carefully disconnect the battery terminals by starting with the negative terminal first on the right. Place it off to the side then disconnect the positive terminal and place that to the side as well so it doesn’t contact the battery terminals:

    Head to the front of the car and remove the air pipe above the engine by removing 2 Torx bolts, loosening 2 clamps at both ends and disengaging a routed wire in the back near the firewall. Note the additional hose attachment on the upper Torx bolt that you’ll need to re-attach later:

    Loosen this hose clamp and remove the bottom tube:

    Remove the oil dipstick, or else you may break off the handle like I accidentally did:

    Disconnect fan connections, cut off zip ties, remove 2 bolts and carefully pull out the fan shroud:

    Remove the tube blocking the starter by disconnecting the 2 plugs and loosening the hose clamps at the ends. You may need to raise the car and try from underneath if you can’t get the left clamp off from above:

    Disconnect power terminal and pull off spade connection from the starter:

    Remove the 3 starter bolts. There’s a 12mm bolt on a bracket attached to the engine block (that needs to come out) and two 14mm bolts attaching the starter to the transmission (one bolt has a 12mm nut attaching a bracket to the starter bolt):

    The starter may be stuck on due to the dowel attachment point so take your time and work it off. Carefully route the starter out and compare the old starter with the new one. Relocate the rear bracket to the new one but keep the 10mm nuts loose (you’ll tighten them after that bracket is tightened down on the engine block first):

    Installation Is The Reverse Of Removal:

    After bolting down the new starter into position, don’t forget to tighten the 10mm nuts securing the rear of the starter with the bracket.

    All other steps are the reverse of the removal steps indicated above. Hand tighten clamps/bolts/nuts, use new zip ties and ensure all the harness connections are back together.

    Now enjoy years of trouble-free starter reliability!