Le noir se dénomme A, en noir sur la photo.
Le B en gris
Moteur éteint, vous placez la tige de connection en A2
- Tournez la clef de contact en position 2 (tableau de bord ON)
- Appuyez sur le bouton rond situé à coté de la lettre A pendant 1 seconde, relâchez
- Les codes apparaissent sous forme de lumière (voir la petit LEAD rouge sur la photo) C'est le principe du morse en lumière, coup long, coup court....
- Notez les codes signalés, pour cela vous appuierez le bouton 1 fois entre chaque code défaut. (si plusieurs )
- Vous avez fait le tour lorsque les codes reprennent
donc en B
B1: clim auto
B2: Cruise control
B5: airbag et SRS
B6: fauteuils electriques
En A
A1: boite auto
A2: injection
A6: allumage
A7: tableau de bord
Injection Fenix 5.2
1-1-1 No faults
1-1-2 ECU faulty
1-1-3 Fuel injectors; From 1994 and later, Heated oxygen sensor - maximum enrichment sensed
short term fuel mixture too weak
1-1-5 Injector no. 1 cylinder faulty signal
1-2-1 Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) signal absent or faulty
1-2-2 Air Temperature sensor signal absent or faulty
1-2-3 Coolant temperature sensor signal absent or faulty
1-2-5 Injector no. 2 cylinder faulty signal
1-3-1 Ignition System RPM signal
1-3-2 Battery voltage too low/high
1-3-3 Throttle switch signal (idle)
1-3-5 Injector no. 3 falty signal
1-4-2 ECU faulty
1-4-3 (front) knock sensor signal missing or sensor defective
1-4-4 Fuel system load signal (missing or defective)
1-4-5 Injector no. 4 cylinder faulty signal
1-5-2 air pump valve signal absent or faulty (only on some emission controlled vehicles)
1-5-3 Rear heated oxygen sensor signal
1-5-4 EGR system - leakage or excessive flow
1-5-5 Injector no. 5 cylinder faulty signal
2-1-2 heated oxygen Sensor Signal (front sensor on 1994 and later models) absent or faulty
2-1-3 Throttle switch signal (wide-open)
2-1-4 Ignition rpm sensor signal erratic, absent or faulty
2-2-1 Lambda Operation; also Heated oxygen sensor (mixture too rich under part throttle)
/ long term fuel mixture too weak in part load stage
2-2-2 Main relay signal absent or faulty
2-2-3 Idle air control valve signal absent or faulty
2-2-4 Coolant temperature sensor signal
2-2-5 A/C pressure sensor signal absent or faulty
2-3-1 Lambda adjustment; For 1994 and later, heated oxygen sensor (mixture too lean under part throttle)
/ long term fuel mixture too rich in part load stage
2-3-2 Lambda adjustment; For 1994 and later, adaptive heated oxygen sensor control
/ long term fuel mixture too weak at idle
2-3-3 Idle valve - closed or intake air leak / long term idle air trim outside control range
2-3-4 Throttle switch signal missing
2-4-1 EGR malfunction
2-4-5 Idle air control valve - closing signal
3-1-1 Speedometer signal
3-1-2 Knock/Fuel enrichment signal missing
3-1-4 Camshft position sensor signal missing or defective
3-1-5 EVAP emission control system
3-2-1 Cold start valve - signal missing
3-2-2 Airflow meter hot wire
3-2-4 Camshaft position sensor signal erratic
3-2-5 ECU memory failure
3-3-5 TCM request for MIL (CHECK ENGINE light)
4-1-1 Throttle switch signal faulty or missing
4-1-3 EGR temperature sensor signal incorrect or missing
4-1-4 Turbo boost regulation
4-1-6 Turbo boost reduction from TCM
4-2-5 Temperature warning level no. 1
4-3-1 EGR temperature sensor faulty or missing
4-3-2 High temperature warning inside ECU
4-3-3 No rear knock sensor signal
4-3-5 Front heated oxygen sensor - slow response
4-3-6 Rear heated oxygen sensor compensation
4-4-3 Catalytic converter efficiency
4-4-4 Acceleration sensor signal
4-5-1 Misfire cylinder no. 1
4-5-2 Misfire cylinder no. 2
4-5-3 Misfire cylinder no. 3
4-5-4 Misfire cylinder no. 4
4-5-5 Misfire cylinder no. 5
5-1-1 Adaptive oxygen sensor control, provides leaner mixture at idle
5-1-2 Oxygen intergrator at maximum lean running limit
5-1-3 High temperature warning inside ECU
5-1-4 Engine cooling fan - low speed signal faulty
5-2-1 Oxygen sensor preheating front
5-2-2 Oxygen sensor preheating rear
5-3-1 Power stage - group A
5-3-2 Power stage - group B
5-3-3 Power stage - group C
5-3-4 Power stage - group D
5-3-5 TC control valve signal
5-4-1 EVAP valve signal
5-4-2 Misfire on more than one cylinder
5-4-3 Misfire on at least one cylinder
5-4-4 Misfire on more than one cylinder, catalyic converter damage
5-4-5 Misfire on at least one cylinder, catalyic converter damage
5-5-1 Misfire on cylinder no. 1, catalyic converter damage
5-5-2 Misfire on cylinder no. 2, catalyic converter damage
5-5-3 Misfire on cylinder no. 3, catalyic converter damage
5-5-4 Misfire on cylinder no. 4, catalyic converter damage
5-5-5 Misfire on cylinder no. 5, catalyic converter damage
Motronic 4.3 system équipe des atmos ainsi que TOUS les modèle TURBO
1-1-1 No faults
1-1-2 ECU faulty
1-1-5 Injector no. 1 cylinder faulty signal
1-2-1 MAF signal absent or faulty
1-2-3 Coolant temperature sensor signal absent or faulty
1-2-5 Injector no. 2 cylinder faulty signal
1-3-1 Ignition System RPM signal absent or faulty
1-3-2 Battery voltage too low/high
1-3-5 Injector no. 3 faulty signal
1-4-3 (front) knock sensor signal missing or sensor defective
1-4-4 Fuel system load signal (missing or defective)
1-4-5 Injector no. 4 cylinder faulty signal
1-5-2 air pump valve signal absent or faulty (on certain engines)
1-5-4 EGR system - leakage or excessive flow (on certain engines)
1-5-5 Injector no. 5 cylinder faulty signal
2-1-2 heated oxygen Sensor Signal absent or faulty
2-1-4 Ignition rpm sensor signal intermittently absent
2-2-3 Idle air control valve signal absent or faulty
2-2-5 A/C pressure sensor signal absent or faulty
2-3-1 Long term fuel mixture too lean or rich in part load stage
2-3-2 long term fuel mixture too lean or rich at idle
2-3-3 long term idle air trim outside control range
2-3-5 EGR controller signal absent/faulty (on certain engines)
2-4-1 EGR flow fault (on certain engines)
2-4-3 throttle position sensor signal voltage incorrect (out of range)
2-4-4 knock control at limit
2-4-5 Idle air control valve closing signal faulty/absent
3-1-1 Speedo signal missing
3-1-3 EVAP valve signal absent/faulty (on certain engines)
3-1-4 Camshft position sensor signal missing or defective
3-1-5 EVAP emission control system fault (on certain engines)
3-2-3 Malfunction indicator lamp signal faulty
3-2-5 ECU memory failure
3-3-5 request for Malfunction indicator lamp signal from auto transmission ECU
3-4-2 airconditioning relay control signal fault
3-4-3 fuel pump relay control signal fault
4-1-1 Throttle position sensor signal not within correct voltage
4-1-3 EGR temperature sensor signal incorrect or missing (on certain engines)
4-1-4 Turbo boost pressure too high
4-1-6 Turbo boost reduction from auto transmission ECU(/TCM)
4-3-2 High temperature warning inside ECU
4-3-3 rear knock sensor signal absent/faulty
4-3-5 heated oxygen sensor - slow response
4-4-2 air pump relay signal absent/faulty (on certain engines)
5-1-1 long term fuel mix too rich @ idle
5-1-2 short term fuel mix too rich @ idle
5-1-3 High temperature warning inside ECU
5-1-4 Engine cooling fan at low speed faulty
5-1-5 Engine cooling fan at high speed faulty
5-2-1 Oxygen sensor heating fault
5-2-3 signal to ECU module box cooling fan shorted to 12 volts
5-2-4 fault in transmission torque control signal
5-3-5 turbo regulator valve fault
5-4-1 EVAP valve signal fault (on certain engines)
Bosch LH 3.2 Jetronic System
1-1-1 No faults
1-1-2 ECU faulty
1-1-3 short term fuel mixture too weak
1-2-1 MAF signal absent or faulty
1-2-3 Coolant temperature sensor signal absent or faulty
1-3-1 Ignition System RPM signal absent or faulty
1-3-2 Battery voltage too low/high
2-1-2 heated oxygen Sensor Signal absent or faulty
2-2-1 long term fuel mixture too weak in part load stage
2-2-3 Idle air control valve signal absent or faulty
2-3-1 Long term fuel mixture too lean or rich in part load stage
2-3-2 Long term fuel mixture too lean at idle
3-1-1 Speedo signal missing
4-1-1 Throttle position sensor signal absent
5-1-1 long term fuel mix too rich @ idle
5-1-2 short term fuel mix too rich
connection en A1
1-1-1 no fault
1-1-2 solenoid s1 circuit short to 12 volts
1-1-3 ECU fault
1-1-4 break in drive mode selector circuit
1-2-1 Solenoid s1 circuit short to earth
1-2-2 break in solenoid s1 circuit
1-2-3 solenoid STH circuit short to earth
1-2-4 driving mode selector circuit short to earth
1-3-1 solenoid STH circuit break or short circuit to earth
1-3-2 fault in ECU
1-3-4 incorrect ignition module load signal
1-4-1 oil temp sensor circuit short to earth
1-4-2 break in oil temp sensor circuit
1-4-3 kickdown switch circuit short to earth
2-1-1 fault in ECU
2-1-2 solenoid S2 circuit short to 12 volts
2-1-3 throttle position signal too high
2-2-1 solenoid S2 circuit short to earth
2-2-2 break in solenoid s2 circuit
2-2-3 throttle position signal too low
2-3-1 irregular throttle position signal
2-3-2 no vehicle speed sensor signal
2-3-3 incorrect speedometer signal
2-3-5 oil temp too high
2-4-5 torque limiting circuit brake or short circuit to earth
3-1-1 No transmission RPM sensor signal
3-1-2 transmission RPM sensor signal faulty
3-1-3 gear position sensor (PNP) -incorrect signal
3-2-2 incorrect gear ratio for given roadspeed
3-2-3 lock up slippage or not engaging
3-3-1 solenoid SL circuit short to 12 volts
3-3-2 solenoid S2 circuit -brake in circuit
3-3-3 solenoid S2 circuit short to earth
Pour l'ECU ABS c'est A3
1-1-1 No DTC set
1-2-1 Left front wheel sensor, faulty signal <40 km/h
1-2-2 Right front wheel sensor, faulty signal <40 km/h
1-2-3 Left rear wheel sensor, faulty signal <40 km/h
1-2-4 Right rear wheel sensor, faulty signal <40>40 km/h
3-2-2 Right front wheel sensor, irregular >40 km/h
3-2-3 Left rear wheel sensor, irregular >40 km/h
3-2-4 Right rear wheel sensor, irregular >40 km/h
4-1-1 Left front wheel inlet valve, open/short
4-1-2 Left front wheel return valve, open/short
4-1-3 Right front wheel inlet valve, open/short
4-1-4 Right front wheel return valve, open/short
4-1-5 Rear valve open/short
4-2-1 Rear wheel inlet valve circuit, open/short
4-2-2 Rear wheel return valve circuit, open/short
4-2-3 Traction control system valve, open/short
4-2-4 Pressure switch for TRACS, faulty or short circuit
4-4-1 Control module faulty
4-4-2 Pump pressure low
4-4-3 Pump motor, electrical or mechanical fault
4-4-4 No power supply to valves in hydraulic unit
"Ignition System" allumage A6
1-1-1 No DTC set
1-1-2 Control Module fault
1-2-3 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (ECT) from Control module missing or faulty
1-3-1 Engine speed (RPM) sensor signal missing
1-4-2 Control Module Fault
1-4-3 Knock sensor (KS) missing or faulty
1-4-4 Ignition control module load signal missing
1-5-4 EGR system flow too high in system
2-1-4 Engine speed (RPM) sensor signal missing sporadically
2-2-4 Engine Coolant Temperature sensor (ECT) signal missing or faulty
2-3-4 Throttle Position (TPS) signal missing at idle
2-4-1 EGR system flow too low in system
2-4-3 Throttle Position sensor (TPS) signal missing at idle
3-1-1 Vehicle speed signal missing or faulty
3-1-4 Camshaft Position sensor (CMP) signal missing or faulty
3-2-4 Camshaft Position sensor (CMP) signal missing sporadically
4-1-1 Throttle position sensor (TPS) signal from fuel injection system missing or faulty
4-1-3 EGR temperature sensor signal faulty
4-3-2 Control module box temperature too high level 1
4-3-3 Knock sensor (KS) signal rar missing or faulty
5-1-3 Control module box temperature too high, level 2