J'ai un ECU pour volvo 850 turbo manuel "assez modifié" à vendre. J'inclus, en plus du tune custom ARD dessus, le tune/file original de ce ECU, soit le tune de JCViggen. Son setup était le suivant, et il a sortie 319 whp à environ 18-20 psi sur cet ordi avec ce setup, et sur un moteur 2.3t stock : (Tous les détails sont plus bas... désolé du franglais, je copie ce que j'ai écris sur les autres forums Volvo... mais je le laisse à 300$ canadien shippé à un membre du club au Canada, assurance et tracking number inclus, et signature requise sur livraison... !!!)
Turbonetics T3/T04E 50trim turbo, stage 3 turbine wheel .48 AR hotside.
ATP V-band internal WG.
"R" exhaust manifold (lip machined off)
RX-7 style V-mount intercooler 3.5" thickness.
A/C removed (reason : see above)
410cc @ 3 bar Deatschwerks Bosch injectors. (Green will flow the same at 3 bar stock 850 fuel pressure)
Walbro fuel pump
Ferrita 3" DP
JT 3" exhaust
Apex'i AVC-R EBC
Innovate wideband
Greddy type-RS bov recirc'd into intake
KW V2 coilovers
AP racing BBK w/ Pagid RS-15 pads
Interior weight reduction
0-62mph = 4.9s // 0-100mph = 9.9s // 0-125mph : 15s
Others tune specs : Redline 7000 RPM, no EGR and rear o2 deleted.
I'm selling the ECU with an ARD tune in it (Based on JCViggen MTE map), and I will send the original MTE file with the ECU on SD card, cd, by email, or whichever way the buyer choose !
I'm asking 350 USD shipped for this anthology tune file + ARD ECU and USB to OBD2 cable to load it in if you don't want to give the ARD tune a try. (I don't have any car to load it in right now... My T5R is garaged for winter, and my 95 T5M don't have OBD2 to plug it and load it in...)
I'm using the same MTE MAP based file ECU in my T5R, and, damn, the car move fast... I'm running 18 psi on Garrett t3t4 50 trim to keep it safe (with rich afr), but I have to get rid of some parts as family is growing...
You can see JCViggen old videos on youtube.
Thanks for looking.
J'ai un ECU pour volvo 850 turbo manuel "assez modifié" à vendre. J'inclus, en plus du tune custom ARD dessus, le tune/file original de ce ECU, soit le tune de JCViggen. Son setup était le suivant, et il a sortie 319 whp à environ 18-20 psi sur cet ordi avec ce setup, et sur un moteur 2.3t stock : (Tous les détails sont plus bas... désolé du franglais, je copie ce que j'ai écris sur les autres forums Volvo... mais je le laisse à 300$ canadien shippé à un membre du club au Canada, assurance et tracking number inclus, et signature requise sur livraison... !!!)
Turbonetics T3/T04E 50trim turbo, stage 3 turbine wheel .48 AR hotside.
ATP V-band internal WG.
"R" exhaust manifold (lip machined off)
RX-7 style V-mount intercooler 3.5" thickness.
A/C removed (reason : see above)
410cc @ 3 bar Deatschwerks Bosch injectors. (Green will flow the same at 3 bar stock 850 fuel pressure)
Walbro fuel pump
Ferrita 3" DP
JT 3" exhaust
Apex'i AVC-R EBC
Innovate wideband
Greddy type-RS bov recirc'd into intake
KW V2 coilovers
AP racing BBK w/ Pagid RS-15 pads
Interior weight reduction
0-62mph = 4.9s // 0-100mph = 9.9s // 0-125mph : 15s
Others tune specs : Redline 7000 RPM, no EGR and rear o2 deleted.
I'm selling the ECU with an ARD tune in it (Based on JCViggen MTE map), and I will send the original MTE file with the ECU on SD card, cd, by email, or whichever way the buyer choose !
I'm asking 350 USD shipped for this anthology tune file + ARD ECU and USB to OBD2 cable to load it in if you don't want to give the ARD tune a try. (I don't have any car to load it in right now... My T5R is garaged for winter, and my 95 T5M don't have OBD2 to plug it and load it in...)
I'm using the same MTE MAP based file ECU in my T5R, and, damn, the car move fast... I'm running 18 psi on Garrett t3t4 50 trim to keep it safe (with rich afr), but I have to get rid of some parts as family is growing...
You can see JCViggen old videos on youtube.
Thanks for looking.