je recherche un exhaust complet pour un 7/940-7/945 a partir du downpipe a en arriere usage pour mon winter beater
budget 100-125$
Taken from the internet : "You go to a “Volvo get together” and the cars are almost all beat rust buckets driven by stereotypical socially inept early 20-year-olds with a few even weirder older guys."
Taken from the internet : "You go to a “Volvo get together” and the cars are almost all beat rust buckets driven by stereotypical socially inept early 20-year-olds with a few even weirder older guys."
Si je me rappel bien j'ai la partie a partir du cat jusqu'au mais sans inclure le muffler arrière. Je te le donne si tu viens le chercher+ les autres pièces que je te doit.
Taken from the internet : "You go to a “Volvo get together” and the cars are almost all beat rust buckets driven by stereotypical socially inept early 20-year-olds with a few even weirder older guys."
de preference la fin de semaine...pas mal busy la semaine!
Taken from the internet : "You go to a “Volvo get together” and the cars are almost all beat rust buckets driven by stereotypical socially inept early 20-year-olds with a few even weirder older guys."